Gentle Giants
And Where to Find Them
Terrific Tuskers - Image by Tsavo Trust
If you’re a seasoned safari vet or a newcomer to the plains of Mama Africa, there’ll be some iconic faces that spring to mind – of course the beautiful big cats that stalk the plains, those stylish zebras strutting their stuff and mighty herds of wildebeest thundering across the Serengeti are all safari staples, but if you’re looking for an experience you won’t ever forget, you’ve gotta roll with the big boys.
We know the best spots off the beaten track to spy those majestic herds of elephants, weird-and-wonderful giraffe and precious remaining rhino, but some stand out among the crowds. Hidden amongst the bush lurk some super special, unique and rare creatures.
So strap on your hiking boots & grab your cameras, we’re going on a search for giants!
Rollin’ with the Big Boys! - Image by Tsavo Trust
The Last of Africa’s Giants - Super Tuskers
Everyone wants their elephant moment, and who can blame them? There’s nothing like it! To watch these gorgeous creatures padding across the plains in search of the next tree to nibble is a beautiful experience. But if you want to encounter some super special Heffalumps, you’ve got to get yourself to Kenya.
Super rare and critically endangered, a Giant Tusker encounter is an emotional experience to say the least – and that’s if you’re lucky enough to spot one. There are only 25 of these big guys left in the world, with majority of them calling Kenya home.
Shining brightly like beacons of hope, the Giant Tuskers are very special creatures and continue to capture the hearts of all who cross their path. Rust-red with tusks large enough to scrape the ground, these guys are our very own modern-day version of mammoths, with the heaviest tusk recorded as a whopping 226lbs – that’s even more than their prehistoric cousins.
For a chance to see these wise, gentle giants with your own eyes, the Tsavo Trust in the Tsavo Conservation Area is a great place to start. The trust is devoted to protecting the last of the Tuskers using aerial monitoring, anti-poaching units and the power of education. Head here on your journey for an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience with the incredible team, hear about the terrific Tuskers and learn their names (that’s right, they each have their own), and head out with a super knowledgeable guide to learn the secrets of this special place.
You never know, your very own Giant Tusker moment might be right around the corner!
As unique as snowflakes
The Unicorns of Africa - Rothschild’s Giraffe
You’d be forgiven for wondering how unicorns can possibly be fake but giraffes are real when you consider what’s more believable - a horse with a horn or a leopard-moose-camel with a 40ft neck?! Well, they’re totally real, and we know some special spots where you can see them in all their weird and wonderful glory.
One of the most iconic and fashionable creatures to roam the lands, giraffe each have their own unique coat pattern – just think of each one as a snowflake – but a really, really big snowflake. It’s kind of ironic that even as one of the world’s most identifiable wild animals, the giraffe is still something of a mystery, and one of their special species is under threat.
The Rothschild’s Giraffe is a gorgeous sub-species of the Northern Giraffe and you’ll find them clumsily striding around the green spaces of Northern Uganda and Western Kenya looking for anything they can munch on, and sporting a very unique look.
Strut your stuff!
Whilst other giraffe are born with two horns on their heads known as ossicones, the Rothschild's giraffe have a further three horns, one small one on their forehead and another pair behind their ears. Along with their fancy extra headgear, these leggy legends are the tallest of them all, and rock an even more unique coat pattern. With their markings stopping at their legs, the Rothschild’s have the appearance of wearing some super stylish long socks or sexy boots – how’s that for a fashion statement?
Majestic and unusual, these fashionistas are also the rarest of them all, with less than 2,000 remaining in the wild today. The best place to explore to see these beauties up close and contribute towards conservation efforts is Uganda.
The Uganda Conservation Foundation alongside Tusk are spearheading some amazing measures to protect their habitat, educate local communities and conduct rewilding, leading to a brighter future for the Rothschild’s Giraffe to flourish and strut its stuff for years to come.
Kings & Queens since the Stone Age!
Dudes of the Dunes - Desert-Adapted Rhino
Iconic, illusive and endangered, one of the coolest safari destinations to get a glimpse of both black & white rhino is in otherworldly Namibia! ‘But isn’t Namibia a massive desert?’ We hear you cry, and you’d be right - but do not fear, the rhino of Namibia have got life here down to a T.
As the first African country to incorporate environmental protection into its constitution, it’s no surprise Namibia has been such a huge conservation success story in recent years. With almost a third of Africa’s black rhino population calling Namibia home, this is the last true stronghold for the south-western sub-species. Poaching is sadly an ever-present threat for the beautiful rhino, so it’s no wonder the government along with several incredible organizations are working night and day to keep the population of these special creatures healthy, happy and protected.
The main populations can be found in Estosha National Park and the Kunene Region; a vast, rugged and totally remote wilderness like no other. What makes the rhino populations really unique here, is that they have adapted perfectly to life in such a harsh environment. They are incredibly durable and tough, able to go several days without drinking, literally climb mountains, and are one of the few animals that can munch on the highly toxic Damara milk-bush to keep them going - pretty hardcore, huh?
Heavily depicted in ancient cave art, these beautiful beasts have roamed the arid landscape and been African muses here for millennia – let’s keep it that way.
Long live the Gentle Giants
So there you have it - our top spots for BIG adventures with even bigger residents.
We can’t wait to craft your extraordinary African adventure to the lands of the gentle giants and beyond! Contact us directly at to start the conversation.
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